Company Information

Our Online Education Services

1 Course Offerings:

Our online professional education services focus on four main industries: accounting, healthcare, engineering & construction, and legal. We also offer other professional education courses, such as online test preparation courses for self-taught learners pursuing higher education diplomas and/or degrees, test preparation courses for university students who take the nationwide graduate school entrance exam, practical accounting training courses for college students and working professionals, as well as online language courses and third-party developed online courses. In addition, the Company provides business services to corporate clients, including but not limited to tax advisory and accounting outsourcing services. Click here to learn more about our education websites.

2 Course Delivery Channel:
Proprietary Websites:

A. Comprehensive and Powerful Online Platform
  a. View the video along with the lecture script and click on hyperlinks for other useful functions during the lecture
  b. Receive tutoring support by posting a question on the Q&A board
  c. Practice exercise questions and mock exams
  d. Online Learning Management System-- to monitor and manage an individual’s learning progress

B. Mobile Applications- Extension of Traditional Online Courses
  a. Available on Apple iOS, Android tablets and smart phones
  b. Four main categories: classes, tools, exam databank, and reference reading
  c. As of December 31, 2019, China Distance Education offered 69 mobile apps and recorded cumulative downloads of 63.0 million.
  d. Popular apps include: accounting BBS, civil service exam databank, “accounting question of the day,” healthcare mobile classroom, and Women’s Secret.

C. Fee-based, Mobile Courses
  a. Launched in 2013, now covering 4 verticals
  b. More suitable for smaller screens and shorter studying times
  c. Organized by key knowledge points
  d. Intelligent exercise question databank

Open Learning Platform:

Our proprietary education platform allows people to share their educational content primarily in professional development areas.

Since the introduction of our Open Learning Platform in October 2012, we have amassed over 7,915 online courses as of September 30, 2016, which span various professional development areas, including accounting, healthcare, and engineering & construction. These courses include both live and pre-recorded courses, third-party developed courses as well as our own proprietary courses.

Our Other Products and Services

Sales of books and reference materials related to our courses

Providing business start-up training courses to university students, job seekers and individuals interested in learning how to establish new businesses

⑴ Offline accounting and healthcare professional training online and offline combined courses
⑵ Strategic alliances with other third-party education companies to enhance our product and service offerings
⑶ Business services to corporate clients, including but not limited to tax advisory and accounting outsourcing services.