Company Information

Launched in 2001, has become the most authoritative and specialized accounting website in China and one of the first and foremost prestigious brands within CDEL. It operates under the guidelines of UNESCO's International Project on Technical and Vocational Education (UNEVOC), providing high quality content and courses, superior services supported by proprietary multiple online learning platforms to millions of our students. We provide the following accounting-related courses:

 i) Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced Accounting Professional Qualification Examination
 ii) CPA Qualification Examination
 iii) Tax Agent Qualification Examination
 iv) Certified Asset Appraiser Examination
 v) Continuing Education for Accounting Professionals
 vi) Employment Guidance Services for Accounting Professionals

Launched in 2005, provides preparatory courses for a wide variety of healthcare professional exams to ensure that healthcare professionals meet government requirements and maintain qualifications. Additionally, it provides rich information related to health and medical exam and industry affairs. We provide the following healthcare-related courses:

 i) National Practicing Medical Doctor Qualification Examination
 ii) Healthcare Professional Technical Qualification Examination
 iii) National Pharmacist Qualification Examination
 iv) National Nursing Qualification Examination

Launched in 2005, offers test preparation courses for construction engineering professionals in China. Additionally, it provides rich information related to construction engineering and industry affairs. We provide the following construction engineering-related courses:

 i) Associate Constructor and Constructor Qualification Examinations
 ii) Construction Supervisor Qualification Examination
 iii) Construction Pricing Engineer Qualification Examination
 iv) Certified Safety Engineer Qualification Examination
 v) Consulting Engineer Qualification Examination
 vi) Real Estate Appraiser Qualification Examination

Launched in 2003, focuses on providing online preparatory courses for the National Judicial Examination and the Enterprise Legal Counsel Examination, as well as abundant information on current laws. We provide the following online prep courses:

 i) National Judicial Examination
 ii) Enterprise Legal Counsel Examination

Launched in 2007, provides test information and online preparatory courses for various occupational skills examinations. We provide courses for the followings:
 i) Professional English Test
 ii) Economist Qualification Examination
 iii) Civil Service Personnel Entrance Examination

Operated by CDEL 100% owned subsidiary ZhengBao Yucai. CDEL’s business start-up training offering targets university students, job seekers and individuals who are interested in learning to found new businesses. The program leverages the concept and training framework of an international organization called Europen/Pen International, and allows students to set up their own practice companies and participate in virtual business dealings with other practice companies from both inside China and around the world.
Founded in 2005. Xiamen NetinNet is a leading learning simulation software provider specializing in practical accounting-related learning solutions for China’s college market. With more than 1,500 college customers across 31 provinces in China, Xiamen NetinNet offers comprehensive simulation-based learning opportunities to college students to master critical accounting skills.
Jiangsu Zhengbao Asset Financial Advisory Co., Ltd (Jiangsu Asset), formerly known as Nanjing Asset Financial Consulting Co., Ltd. was established in 2002. Jiangsu Asset has developed a comprehensive professional finance and taxation services organization, providing services covering bookkeeping, financial advisory, finance and taxation outsourcing, project declaration, registration and other related services, and serves customers from various industries across China. CDEL acquired Jiangsu Asset in October 2017.
Launched in 2006, operates in cooperation with the Education Administration Information Center of MOE to provide information technology application training to those who wish to obtain an ITAT certificate issued by the Education Administration Information Center, featured in innovation, efficiency, practicality, flexibility and expansibility as advocated by the project. It aims to promote the project as the most pragmatic and economical for nationwide training program.
Beijing Ruida Chengtai Education Technology Co., Ltd. (Beijing Ruida) is an educational institution mainly engaged in exam preparation services for participants in China’s national legal profession qualification examination. Founded in March 2016, Beijing Ruida is headquartered in Beijing’s Haidian District, and operates campuses in 6 cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Shenzhen, and has more than 100 affiliated campuses across China. In June 2017, CDEL acquired a 40% equity interest in Beijing Ruida, increased its equity interest in Beijing Ruida to 51% during CDEL’s fourth quarter fiscal 2018. On May 15, 2019, CDEL decided to acquire an additional 9% equity interest, bringing the Company’s total equity interest in Beijing Ruida to 60%. By joining hands with CDEL, Beijing Ruida has embarked on a new chapter in providing online and offline legal education and training.
Launched on 2006, focuses on offering online courses and materials for middle school students. is a website operated by China Distance Education which provides a professional lifelong education service for teachers. The website is primarily focused on K-12 teacher qualification examination preparation and continuing education. It provides a comprehensive platform consisting of assessment, teaching, research and training for the needs of teachers' career development, to create a lifelong education ecosystem for teachers. CDEL’s teacher qualification exam preparation program effectively prepares students to obtain the teacher qualification certificate by employing a proven teaching methodology, and by offering students a full range of exam preparation courseware and services, from the written test to the interview test.
This website operates under the “National Primary and Secondary Educational Resources Building and Sharing Program”. Under this program, we have developed and expanded a platform that allows courses taught by well-known teachers in China to be made available online and to schools and students across the country.
Acquired in 2005, is one of the first websites in China focused on self-taught learners who wish to obtain associate diplomas or bachelor degrees in various disciplines. We have also obtained exclusive rights to offer study-process monitoring programs that allow self-taught learners to earn up to 30% of the credits they need to obtain a post-secondary, self-taught education degree in select provinces and cities in China.
Launched in 2005, provides accurate and timely information on the National College Entrance Examination for Adults, and has been highly acclaimed by candidates since its commencement.
Launched in 2004, offers online courses for university students who intend to take the nationwide graduate school entrance exam administered by China’s Ministry of Education.
Launched in 2005, provides dozens of online courses covering the most common world languages, and preparatory courses for different languages tests. It has become a virtual home to language learners interested in obtaining rich learning materials and information.
Launched in 2005, is a worldwide Chinese teaching and learning website focused on providing online Chinese learning courses for all student levels. It also provides free learning materials and rich information about China, aiming to be an ideal learning website that combines of both Chinese language and Chinese culture. is 100% owned subsidiary by CDEL. It serves an online platform to provide accounting training courses which are supplementary to CDEL’s existing online accounting courses offerings.
Founded in October 2012, our proprietary education platform allows people to share their educational content primarily in professional development areas. Since introduction, we have amassed over 7,915 online courses as of September 30, 2016, which span various professional development areas, including accounting, healthcare, and construction engineering. These courses include both live and pre-recorded courses, third-party developed courses as well as our own proprietary courses.